Hi Sanjiv, you make impressive write ups. Im in Sydney Australia and enjoy investing for my family, began just 3 years ago, yet always studying, and learning and trying to challenge existing biases and flaws daily. :). Would it be impetuous of me to seek your advice and criticism/ feedback on my portfolio? As dont really trust the few financial advisors Ive met thus far, either ideological in a particular silo or focused on selling the companies they work for.

Im on whats app at 61402559296 or Viber where we can talk or chat

How much to subscribe to your paid service? Or I could pay you ( if you keen) After we talk as a kind of wise council to help me bounce investment ideas with you.

Thanks Sanjiv,

Douglas Devine age 62 an American Australian living in Sydney with 4 children


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Douglas. Thanks very much for your kind of comments. I am going to put much more of the future content behind a paywall but a lot of the stuff will always be free. If you wish to, you can press subscribe and see what the subscription costs are. I am biased of course, but I think they are quite reasonable. The monthly rate is less than the cost of a coffee in London. I am not authorised to give advice but we can have a general discussion as fellow students of the market.

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